The Graced Outsider

October 28, 2022 Off By Noah Victoria

I have always loved to learn about cultures and their traditions. Their music, food, history, language, and, most importantly, how they tell their stories. How they see the world.

I have been so happy that through the arts, I have had an inside view of the day-to-day struggles, joys, love, and sacrifice through their voice.

There is so much I would like to express about how I feel about the breathable art that comes from all the Asian dramas, films, anime, and books I have read.  I have not lived the stories, but all I can say by being a fan, a reader, and an audience, I am touched by what they have given me.

Deep emotion, the lightest of memories, brings out the trapped tear drops from the eyes. This is one way I describe the feeling that struck my heart while watching the dramas.

Beauty in the simplicity, Wise with a stern intensity, while being light as a feather. This is what it is like stepping into a book. Their story comes alive within me. Heavy, but light.

As a writer, I am inspired by the wisdom and grace that comes running off the pages. I am overwhelmed by the ease I feel I can breathe while reading. I walk hand in hand with each character. Their words stay with me; not just the words themselves, but their rhythm in how they inhale and exhale brings me chills. My eyes can’t help filling up with water.  Each of the languages has a vulnerability that is strong and stunning.   After each sentence, I sit in a stillness taking in the breeze that flows out of the language’s breath.

At times I have lost control wanting to escape from my reality.  I follow their words like an outlined shadow. Opening my heart in hopes they will extend theirs.   Time and time again, I am welcomed in with a stoic but friendly hand into their lives. I have tried to leave and never come back, but my love is too strong.

 Came in quietly but with much to say.

 Black and white shine with tints of color. Giving the purity of the story depth.

While providing the truth of humanity the spotlight. 

I have fallen in love and continue to love all that they have to offer. I look forward to the future journeys I will go on. Thank You for letting me in.  Don’t ever let me go.