Night Sounds

November 13, 2019 Off By Noah Victoria

Have you ever been stuck in the third dimension? It is like living behind a veil. It is cold and dark with all that you fear around you. It can feel your heart beating.
I can hear the night sounds that creep in laughing at my self-pity and encouraging me to hide and stay hidden, not wanting to be found.

If you have not guessed yet, I am always listening in-depth for what God wants to tell me. He reaches me through many different directions or dimensions through nature, literature, music, tv shows, and films.
I have just finished watching Stranger Things. Yes, I know I am late in the game of watching it, but I am glad I decided to view it. I was never into the Sci-Fi genre, but it is much more than that. It has many thought-provoking moments and will defiantly leave you unbalanced.

There was a particular scene in season 1 where Joyce is looking for her son Will who we think is dead, but he is stuck in the upside-down the other dimension. His mom Joyce played by the fantastic talent of Winona Ryder, was determined to find her son and refused to believe that he was dead.

My mom and I can relate with this narrative in the sense that there are many times in my life where I may be physically present, but my mom knows that Noah isn’t there. I get stuck behind a veil, and like Will, I am scared, and I hide. The constant fear of rejection has me dormant within my self. So, my mom just like Joyce is ready to do anything to get me out of my state. It is as if this moment this past time with me behind that veil leaves me mute as hard as I try to tell my mother where I am at the more time I lose energy to run to her in every way.

All of a sudden, Joyce begins to hear Will behind the wall, and the hole opens with this transparent film where you can see through the dimension. Will is screaming mom I am stuck, and Joyce is beside her self with emotion, and she looks him in the eye and says I am here I am going to get you out, don’t worry I am coming I will find a way.

That is our life. Living with Chronic illness and dealing with not only the physical pain but the emotional pain that is at the core of my being. It can control my way of presenting myself. It can lead me to believe that I am nothing more than that.
A mother’s love is the outpouring of the human extension of God’s love because the love of Jesus’s mother inherits the bond between a mother and her child.
Joyce had to have faith in knowing that her son Will was going to be okay
She was there through every doubt, through every painstaking moment of hopelessness in not only finding her son but finding him alive. Joyce was there carrying the weight of fear that Will had to have been experiencing.

Precisely this action is what love is Love is God He loves us beyond being able to create an understanding in our minds.

” Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”-Psalm 23:4
No matter the dimension we hide in. God will find us and give us rest from it all.