Mrs. Abandonment

November 1, 2019 Off By Noah Victoria



” You have to cry wholeheartedly in order to laugh wholeheartedly”

Shah Rukh Khan

Just this very moment I remembered that I have abandoned ship I left you without knowing anything that has happened to me. Besides working on getting my first ever poetry book published I have been working on so many different writing projects.

 You, are probably wondering why this blog entry is called Mrs. Abandonment, well I can only hope you will keep reading to find out. A fellow writer told me once that being a writer is a very lonely profession and in many ways it is. You are alone with all your thoughts, opions, joyous memories, but also all the fears and demons that live inside you.

There are also many times that I meet so many different people you may ask how, well let me tell you. Having a poet’s brain, I call it; gives you the ability to grasp on to those little bits of wisdom through all that you can see and hear. 

 Why did I start off with this quote that an actor said in a movie. Before, I tell you why I decided to put this quote in I feel that I have to tell you my favorite thing that I absolutely love about myself is that I love watching movies and shows from other countries not only just to hear a new language, but to really learn and immerse myself in their culture.

Okay, back to the quote it is from an Indian film called Dear Zindagi, basically it is about a young woman who is facing many struggles in her life and in relationships. She finds Dr. Jehangri a therapist played by the most amazing Indian actor of all time (Shah Rukh Khan) who helps her with her issues and gives her a new perspective on life and love.

What does this have to do with the title of this Mrs. Abandonment?
Like the main character in the movie what I fear the most is being left behind. Abandoned to figure out life on my own. Dealing with this debilitating Chronic Illness is rough most of the time, but what makes it worse is to think that others will abandon me because of it. So, while watching this movie it really moved me to tears more than just tears let me be honest, I was crying like it was Niagara Falls.

There is a moment in the film that really touched me the most and it is when the main character was crying in one of her sessions with Dr. Jehangri where she apologized and that is when he said this quote
” You have to cry wholeheartedly in order to laugh wholeheartedly”
and it just hit me that both of those emotions put you in vulnerable states, but, we would rather let others see us laugh instead of cry, but by watching this movie I learned that it shows great personality for a person to be able to cry with all their might and then become born again with their laughter.
I know that God was guiding me to watch this film, and I am so blessed He did.

I could relate to how this young woman felt. I am still working on letting go of that fear everyday it is not easy, but I will always keep this quote in my heart to remind me that even with all my brokenness and scars that all things that are broken can be repaired and be alive once more. 

Until next time……. 

P.S. I highly recommend that you check this movie out on Netflix. Just make sure you have tissues with you if you are a crier.