No Plan, No Mess

May 4, 2020 Off By Noah Victoria

Here are some wise words from the recent Oscar-winning film called Parasite “You know what kind of plan that never fails? No plan, no plan at all. Because life can’t be planned, you can’t go wrong with no plans.”

Before I get into the quote, let me give you a little summary of this film. It is a Korean comedy/drama that will leave you laughing, scared, stressed, and inspired all at the same time.

This film is about a poor family that wants to live , but instead of doing what you should be by getting a job the proper way, they get introduced to this rich family that needs help for their daughter and son.  The family cons their way into all working there. At first, everything is working out as they hoped, but a secret in the family’s hidden passage in the basement changes their lives in an instant.

You see we have such high expectations, plans if you will for what are life is going to be, I don’t think we live one moment without planning what is next confident that everything will go our way. Really by planning, we are conning ourselves by living with a delusion that we have complete control over our lives and that our approach is always the right way. We are entirely wrong; we only have this life because of God He is who planned our whole life out before we even came to be.

So, back to the quote, it is from my favorite scene in the movie where after their whole neighborhood flooded, they had to sleep in a crowded gym. The son apologizes to his father for all that has happened, and this is when the father says it. What does this quote mean? Well, for me, it just merely means this No Plan, No Mess. If we were only to trust God and what He has planned for us, then I feel that we would be more grateful and happy in our lives; we will be less stressed and be able to focus on the gifts that He gave us.

This film has helped me to understand that no matter if you are poor or rich that having no plan, but having faith will bring you to your purpose, and that is when we will honestly know what happiness is, and we will be able to breathe once more.